Roche’s Live Event on Real-World Data!

A recent panel discussion facilitated by Roche, experts came together to explore the latest developments in Real-World Data (RWD). Reflecting on the increasing momentum for RWD and Real World Evidence (RWE), the discussion centred on their role in supporting clinical trials, informing decision-making, and enhancing patient care. Join us as we delve into their insights and outlook for 2024.

Featured Panellists: Moderated by Michelle Rohrer from Roche, the panel featured distinguished experts including:

  • Arun Sujenthiran MD from Flatiron Health
  • Dan Drozd, MD MSc from PicnicHealth
  • Shahid Hanif from the GetReal Institute
  • Dr. Rachele Hendricks-Sturrup from Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy
  • Gracy Crane from Roche

Discover how RWD is revolutionising healthcare practices, driving patient-centricity, and shaping regulatory frameworks. Stay informed about the latest trends and developments in RWD, and their significance for the future of healthcare.Dive deeper into the discussion by reading the Evidence Base’s comprehensive write-up: Multi-stakeholder perspectives on the evolution of RWD (

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