Join Us

GetReal Institute is the first independent, multi-stakeholder European forum, dedicated to being at the forefront of influential conversations in the developments of Real-World Evidence


Why Become A Member?


Lead & Shape

Contribute to essential conversations regarding RWE to:
  1. Advance the adoption and implementation of RWE in healthcare decision-making in Europe 
  2. Positively impact pharmaceutical legislation and regulations to ultimately improve patient treatments and outcomes
  3. Develop GetReal Institute’s work plan
  4. Build RWE tools, demonstration projects, and resources


Engage in meaningful collaboration to explore:
  1. Challenges and uncertainties your organisation faces in generating, evaluating, and applying RWE and what is needed to address them.
  2. Real-World data requirements and standards via policy and practice.
  3. Developments in RWE study design and methods.
  4. Your experiences and insights related to evidence generation.


The GetReal Insitute offers a wealth of resources for its members including:
  1. Tools and training to help understand, develop, evaluate and apply RWE in your specific context.
  2. A wide ranging network of experts from different disciplines and stakeholder perspectives.


Becoming a GetReal Institute Member includes:
  1. Opportunities to participate in and lead topical work groups and task forces.
  2. Equal vote in the general assembly of members.
  3. Eligibility for nomination and election to governance boards.
  4. Discounted licenses for installation support and learning resources for software tools.
  5. Discounted registration fees for the annual conference.
  6. Discount on GetReal Academy course fees.

The GetReal Institute has a unique opportunity as an independent multi-stakeholder collaborative to provide a neutral forum for advancing the RWE Shared Learning Forum concept.

This initiative is dependent on the support and participation of all stakeholders, and the value to the RWE community can be exponential.

Shahid Hanif, Managing Director, GetReal Institute

valuable partnership

GetReal Institute Key Values

Membership Led

The GetReal Institute organises key stakeholders involved in the generation and use of RWE, including decision makers, public and private researchers, patients and clinicians, data custodians, and technology developers.

Independent & Neutral

As a non-profit and membership led organisation, we are proudly independent and neutral – leading us to be uniquely positioned to address critical challenges requiring multi-stakeholder input and collaboration in a pre-competitive environment.

10+ Years Experience

As a trusted organisation in the RWE space, we continue to build on a record of influential thought leadership and offer practical problem-solving: Going beyond clarifying the issues to design and deliver scientifically robust tools and other resources that help facilitate RWE generation and evaluation

European Focus With A Global Outlook

The GetReal Institute is focused on Europe but with linkages to other initiatives and stakeholders around the globe


Click below to learn about our different membership categories and fees

Public Members

This category also includes governmental and public health care systems and institutions. If you have any questions about the category in which your organisation belongs, please contact us

Annual Fees

A membership year runs from 1 January – 31 December



Three Year Plan

Receive an 20% discount




If you have any questions about the category in which your organisation belongs, please contact us

Annual Fees

A membership year runs 1 January – 31 December



Three Year Plan

Receive an 20% discount



Academia Members

This category also includes non-profit research organisations. If you have any questions about the category in which your organisation belongs, please contact us

Annual Fees

A membership year runs from 1 January – 31 December



Three Year Plan

Receive an 20% discount



Business Members

This category includes for-profit biopharmaceutical companies, CROs, commercial data vendors, data technology companies, etc. If you have any questions about the category in which your organisation belongs, please contact us

Annual Fees

A membership year runs from 1 January – 31 December

Large company

>1,000 employees

Medium company

250-1,000 employees

Small company

<250 employees

Three Year Plan

Receive an 20% discount

Large company

>1,000 employees

Medium company

250-1,000 employees

Small company

<250 employees

Current Members

GetReal Members lead and shape the influential conversations in the developments of Real-World Evidence

Public Members

Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) Members

Academia Members

Business Members

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